Always have a blown Head Gasket confirmed by a professional but there are symptoms you can look out for.
If you start your vehicle, especially on a cold day and see white smoke from the tailpipe then you are likely just seeing condensation, or steam. If this disappears once the vehicle has warmed up, then this is almost certainly the cause and it is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.
If after the vehicle has warmed up, and particularly under acceleration the smoke continues then it is time for further investigation as there is likely a more serious issue and could even be a symptom of a blown head gasket.
The white smoke, which is really steam, is a sign that there may be coolant leaking into combustion chambers where it gets burned off creating the steam. This is a common symptom of a blown head gasket or cracked block and immediate attention is required. If this is the case then you may be faced with a huge repair bill and this is where a sealer such as Steel Seal can help and possibly save you thousands.
One further point to note is that white smoke can also be caused in diesel motors through a fault in the fuel injection system, often referred to as ‘running rich’. In this instance not all fuel is burned during the usual engine processes and it is expelled through the exhaust as white smoke.
When visible, blue smoke may indicate that oil is mixing with fuel, often as a result of worn gaskets or seals. An external oil leak may also present as blue smoke as it is burned off when contacting a hot engine. If the oil is overfilled this may also occur, so be sure to check that your oil is always filled to the correct level for your vehicle.
An engine is a complicated system with many gaskets and seals, and there are several which could be at fault to cause this, the worst of which would be the head gasket itself. If a blown head gasket is suspected as the result of an oil leak please speak to our technical team before attempting to use Steel Seal, as it will not be effective for external oil leaks, rather only when the damage can be reached through the cooling system. We want you to have the best chance of success, and sometimes that includes not using our product at all if it simply isn’t going to help.
We would always recommend seeking an immediate diagnosis from a professional mechanic if you notice blue exhaust smoke.
The presence of grey smoke may indicate several things, from a faulty turbo, a problem with the Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV), the job of which is to reduce vehicle emissions, or simply oil burn off. We would always recommend having your vehicle looked at straight away if you see grey smoke.
One further reason that you may see grey smoke from the exhaust could be a transmission system leak that may occur in automatic vehicles. The smoke will be produced as transmission fluid is drawn back into the engine and burned up. Again, it is recommended to seek immediate advice from a qualified mechanic.
The presence of black exhaust smoke may indicate an imbalance in the mix of fuel added during combustion. The engine burns too much fuel, and this is seen as black smoke, which is a mixture of soot deposits and other particulates. You will certainly notice that your vehicle’s fuel consumption suffers as a result, as well as the environment, so it is well worth getting checked out straight away.
Again, there are several possible causes for this, some of which include a clogged air filter, faulty EGR valve, blocked manifold, faulty sensor or a fault with the fuel injection system.
Your Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) may also be the cause if you drive a diesel vehicle. This is designed to burn off excess sooty deposits when the vehicle is driven, usually when it reaches freeway speeds of around 70mph. This is not something to worry about if it happens intermittently when driving at these speeds, but if you only drive short distances on a regular basis or rarely reach freeway speeds then you may develop problem with the DPF, often indicated by a DPF warning light.
In all of the above cases, if you are worried by the presence of exhaust smoke we always recommend speaking to a qualified, reputable mechanic for a correct diagnosis. Our technical team are also always at hand if you need some help just email, and if the worst happens and a blown head gasket is the culprit, we are there to advise on the use of Steel Seal, and hopefully get you back on the road as quickly as possible.
Your engine is designed to function at an optimal temperature, it’s ‘standard operating temperature’. Generally, this is a range somewhere between 90 to 105 degrees C (195 to 220 degrees F). Any prolonged increase above this temperature is likely to have catastrophic results for your vehicle because certain engine components can simply not withstand high temperatures for long periods of time.
Therefore, it is important not to ignore any signs of overheating. What may start as a faulty thermostat or leaking hose, which can be easily replaced, may end in a blown head gasket and a potential repair bill in the $1000’s. The good news is that there is often time the remedy the situation before permanent damage occurs. Examine your symptoms and if necessary, seek the services of a professional mechanic, it may be that your problem is an easy and cheap fix.
Detonation (Engine Knock or Pinging)
Simply put this is the spontaneous combustion of fuel within the cylinders and although there are several factors that can cause this, overheating is certainly one culprit. The engine will rattle, knock or ping and you will likely notice a loss of power. Left unchecked this may cause damage to the seals, rings, pistons or rod bearings causing further damage to your engine.
Head Gasket Failure
Also known as a ‘blown head gasket’, this is a serious failure of a crucial component within your engine for which you will traditionally most likely be handed a large repair bill. Thermal stresses can lead to distortions in the cylinder head, cause pistons to expand and seize and the gasket to crack or ‘blow’. This can lead to compression loss, the mixing of coolant and water, coolant leaks and further overheating. Ultimately, a blown head gasket is a serious issue that if left untreated will see your vehicle off the road.
Traditionally the only option was the replacement of the head gasket. Although the intrinsic cost of the head gasket part itself is extremely cheap, the work involved is very labour-intensive and this inevitably leads to high repair bills. This option is of course the recommended approach and if the vehicle of the owner can afford the job, we would always advise having the work carried out by a professional. However, if either the job is unaffordable or if the vehicle is not of high enough value to justify the repair then pour-in sealants such as Steel Seal are a fantastic alternative for a fraction of the cost.
Scuffed Pistons
As with any metal component, the parts of an engine will expand when heated. This expansion is taken into account when designing an engine, however temperatures exceeding the normal operating range may expand parts beyond their tolerances. This often affects the pistons in particular where expanded pistons begin to make contact with the walls of the cylinder causing scuffing and worn patches. Over time this may lead to piston failure and possibly other serious damage to the engine.
If the hood is very hot or there is steam billowing out, we would recommend leaving it to cool for a few minutes and taking care when opening the hood. The same applies when removing the radiator cap or the cap from the expansion vessel to inspect for low coolant. If there is pressure built up from the heated and expanded coolant there is a danger of this being blown out of the system and causing burns, so always wait until the engine has cooled and remove with caution.
Check for any obvious signs of damage and wear such as coolant leaks and check your coolant levels. If the levels are low refill with coolant and monitor vehicle temperature and levels over the next journey or next several journeys. If coolant is dirty flush the system and replace the old coolant with fresh coolant. Make sure when examining for a coolant leak that all parts are checked including hoses, water pump, thermostat, radiator and fan.
Of course, if you are not confident in doing these checks or you think the symptoms are very bad you can always take the vehicle to a qualified mechanic for a professional diagnosis. They will hopefully tell you that the issue is simply fixed, however if they tell you that you have a blown head gasket then you can of course consider Steel Seal as an alternative to the likely costly repair.
There are also general maintenance checks that should be carried as standard. These include things such as checking and replacing old and dirty oil. Oil should always be replaced regularly in line with manufacturers guidelines.
Finally, if a visual check fails to identify the source of the problem then a combustion or pressure test can be carried out. These tests are designed to diagnose if you have a leak in the system and are losing pressure, or will show the presence of combustion gases in your cooling system, often the signs of a blown head gasket.
Blocked Radiator
Any blockage within the radiator will restrict the flow of coolant and as a result you may potentially see a rise in engine temperatures and subsequent overheating. This blockage could be the result of all sorts of debris such as general dirt, bugs or dirty coolant. Be sure to visually check the front of the radiator to make sure that it is not blocked or clogged in any way as well as the state of coolant. You can also get an idea whether the radiator may be clogged by feeling the top and bottom radiator hoses, if the temperatures are not around the same temperature the radiator may be clogged. As always, be careful when touching any potentially hot parts of the engine.
Low Coolant
A common cause for engine overheating, and the simplest to remedy is a low coolant level. This may not necessarily indicate a coolant leak, but if coolant is topped up make sure to keep an eye on levels over the coming days and weeks and if levels continue to drop then further investigation is necessary.
Cooling System Leak
Another common cause of overheating is a leak in the cooling system. Any leak in the system will reduce the coolant level and pressure within the system resulting in a reduced capacity for coolant flow. If the coolant cannot circulate to do its job, then overheating will inevitably occur.
There are many points at which a leak is likely including hoses, radiator, water pump or head gasket. If the leak is external you may be able to identify the damages area through a visual inspection or even see a puddle of coolant form underneath your vehicle. An internal leak will not cause a puddle to form and will not noticeable via a visual inspection and may suggest a blown head gasket. If you notice the need to top up coolant without visible signs of a leak it would be advisable to have a mechanic diagnose your problem, carry out a block test to test for combustion gases.
Faulty Thermostat
The job of the thermostat is to regulate coolant flow and in turn the temperature of the engine. At a given temperature the thermostat will open and allow coolant to flow reducing engine temperature when required. As such, any fault or damage to the thermostat may lead to overheating and any subsequent problems.
Radiator Pressure Cap
If you suspect that the cap of the radiator or surge tank is the source of the leak it may be worth replacing this, as this can be replaced at little cost.
Faulty Radiator Fan
As you would expect, the function of the fan is to provide cooling to the engine and therefore to maintain the correct engine temperature by removing excess heat from the coolant. The fan may cease to work for several reasons, mostly down to wear but also due to an electrical fault such as a sensor, but if it fails to come on when it should you will need to replace this component, or in the case of a sensor fault this will need to be replaced. If you are checking for a fault in the fan by running the engine it is of course important not to let the car overheat while doing so.
Faulty Water Pump
Like many problems that can occur within the cooling system, if coolant cannot circulate correctly then overheating and engine damage is inevitable. A faulty water pump is a common cause of overheating and may be caused by damage to the pump or simply by becoming old and worn out.
Low Oil Level or Dirty Oil
Although you may think of the main role of your oil being to lubricate the engine, it’s role in cooling is also an important one. Oil can act both directly as a cooling agent, but also reduces friction and heat through the correct lubrication of moving parts.
Be sure to check your oil levels regularly and top up when needed. Changing your oil at regular intervals is also essential as old or dirty oil will become less effective at both lubrication and the dissipation of heat.
Faulty Coolant Sensor
Modern vehicles make use of multiple sensors to regulate the correct working of parts and to notify you when there may be a fault, and a faulty coolant sensor may indicate that overheating is taking place. In this case there may be no further issue at all and the sensor simply requires replacing.
Other Causes
Above we have listed the main reasons that you may experience engine overheating, however there are a few other causes that such as stuck valves, sticking brakes or simply overworking your engine.
Firstly, if you do suspect overheating in your vehicle, don’t ignore the signs. Catching the problem early may be the difference between replacing a cheap part like a hose or a critical and expensive repair like a blown head gasket. Follow the steps above and if in doubt, seek the assistance of a professional mechanic. Once diagnosed the problem should be rectified as soon as possible and the problem part fixed or replaced.
If a blown head gasket or cracked block is suspected as the culprit for the overheating, then Steel Seal could be the solution. Certainly, if the price of the work is not an issue or if you feel that the vehicle is of sufficient value to have a replacement then this is your best option. However, when the repair is simply not an option due to cost, or if the cost of the repair is near to or even more than the cost of the vehicle itself, then a bottle of Steel Seal is a fantastic alternative.
Remember however, that an overheating engine is certainly a sign that your vehicle may have a blown head gasket, however it is important to remember that head gasket failure is often a symptom, not the cause of overheating. The original source of cooling system failure, if still present, must therefore be repaired before attempting to repair your vehicle with Steel Seal.
This is why we recommend before going ahead and attempting to repair your vehicle with a sealant like Steel Seal, it is well worth ruling out a few other potential causes. After all, we want you to have the best possible success using Steel Seal, and if the head gasket or block is not the cause then Steel Seal is simply not going to help.
If you feel that your overheating problem may be the result of a blown head gasket then there is no sealer that is more effective than Steel Seal. If you require any more help with this issue, please feel free to call our tech team on 855-771-1972.
Coolant as its name suggests keeps the internal system cool by moving from the engine to the radiator and back, over and over again ensuring your vehicle doesn’t overheat. If there is and loss of coolant the temperature of the engine will begin to rise and this is where the problems begin.
A coolant seal leak can be easier to spot than other head gasket issues however just because you are losing coolant doesn’t mean you have a blown head gasket. A loss of coolant could be a cracked hose, a hole in the radiator or an issue with your water pump.
The most obvious evidence of a coolant leak is puddles of coolant on the floor when the vehicle has been parked overnight. If you do find any puddles it’s a good idea to open the hood and have a look at any areas that are directly over the puddle such as hoses, leading to and from the radiator and the underneath of the radiator itself.
The next step would be to look at the reservoir cap. Coolant can leak from the reservoir cap if there is an issue with the cap itself. White streaks on the radiator caused by the coolant leaking and drying is a key indicator of a leak from the radiator cap. This in turn will lead to the engine overheating as the coolant isn’t getting around the system as it should.
This of course brings us to the head gasket. A blown head gasket will allow coolant to enter the cylinders and be lost in the exhaust system. This mean the coolant again is not getting around the system and cooling the engine hence the engine overheating. In many cases the head gasket has blown due to the engine overheating and while it will make the overheating worse it may not be the initial problem.
The cooling system on your vehicle Is a sealed system of pipes and hoses designed to pump coolant/antifreeze around the engine. This allows for a constant flow to reach components including the head gasket, engine block and cylinder heads this allows the engine to continue operating at the correct temperature.
When air is allowed to enter the system blockages and bubbling is caused which can then cause overheating and further damage.
The cooling system in the majority of vehicles is pressurised and needs to be leak free in order to pump the coolant/antifreeze around the engine. When air enters this sealed system air-locks (pockets) can form causing a restriction on the flow of coolant in turn causing overheating and bubbling.
The visible bubbles show rising air pressure, which is a sign of air-lock (blockage). One of the most common causes of air in the system is air pressure from within the cylinder head transferring into the cooling system from a damaged cylinder or head gasket. The escaped air causes bubbling in the coolant reservoir which is often mistaken for boiling.
When caused by head gasket failure air enters the system and causes bubbling, During this anti-freeze also flows into the cylinder head through the damaged head gasket. This means that the system steadily fills with air as the liquid leaks into the cylinders, reducing the pressure of the system which then causes the fluid to reach its boiling point quicker. Overheating can happen rapidly due to head gasket failure and can also cause white steam to pour from beneath the bonnet.
We also recommend checking the integrity of the cooling system pressure cap as this also maintains the pressure within the cooling system. If the cap has developed a fault or failed, this must also be replaced to avoid any air creeping into the system after repairing the head gasket with Steel Seal.
One of the common symptoms for head gasket failure is a build-up of milky sludge found on the underside of the oil filler cap or along the dipstick, commonly referred to as “mayonnaise”.
The build-up is caused by cross contamination between the water and oil and vice versa which Steel Seal will be able to repair via the water channels.
Due to the contamination, we recommend following on from treating with Steel Seal that the oil is flushed with Power Maxed engine oil flush and replaced with fresh clean oil. This also helps identify if there is still an issue within the engine as the build up will come back over time clearly showing there is still a problem.
The head gasket allows water and oil to travel through it, when the head gasket is blown the oil/water is able to pass through due to the high pressure within in the engine.
The contaminated oil cycles all around the engine as the vehicle is driven. When the vehicle stops its common to notice oil in the water reservoir this is a problem that will progressively get worse until its sealed and repaired.
Oil in the water can also be identified by the below symptoms if it’s not clearly contaminated in the water system, symptoms such as:
White smoke from the exhaust pipes indicate coolant being burnt in the combustion chamber. You may also notice a sweet smell in the smoke caused by the anti-freeze.
Similar to the white smoke, blue smoke is represents oil being burnt off. This doesn’t necessarily mean you have a blown head gasket but can be a indicator.
When the head gasket is no longer sealing in the cylinders compression the force which drives the piston down is considerably reduced. This leads to the overall power of the engine being reduced, unbalanced and inconsistent.
A loss of coolant and/or oil in the system is another potential symptom of a blown head gasket. As the water/oil leaks into the system and sent out through the exhaust this will logically lead to a loss of water/oil.
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